Positive Participant Outcomes Course

Take your participant education to a new level with this process for guiding participants to positive outcomes.

Email Course

Participant Success Framework

Happy woman jumping

This framework for participant success will help you put in place a program that propels your participants towards achieving their financial goals.

Making it personal

Few things are more personal than personal finances. When working with participants, they are sharing their private financial information and typically feel more comfortable doing so with someone who they have been introduced to and are building a relationship with. Be interested.

Dealing with today

The beginning of any financial coaching or advisory engagement is to address the current state. Where does the participant stand today and what brought them here? What are the immediate problems that need to be solved.

Planning for tomorrow

Set short-term and long-term goals and write them down. Then create plans with steps that are measurable, trackable, and achievable. Put your participants on the path to financial success.


Humans can struggle with visualizing big numbers or far away dates. Needing $2 million to retire 40 years from now is fairly abstract to someone that is 25 years old. Instead, provide context and help them visualize what retirement will look like.


Be an accountability partner to your participants. Log your interactions in a CRM (or the Wallet1000 Participant Engagement Platform) and set reminders for following up with your participant. A two-line email from you might be enough to get them to take action that day.

Positive participant outcomes

Take your participant education to a new level with this process for guiding participants to positive outcomes.