Simple, Fast, Fantastic Financial Coaching Software
Easy for your clients to use. Power your coaching business to the next level.

Easy for your clients to use. Power your coaching business to the next level.
Wallet1000 can build the initial plan based on the information your client provides--saving you time. Point them in the right direction right away.
The Wallet1000 algorithms will assign your clients next steps (coupled with actionable content) after this initial assessment. You can also create custom tasks and assign them.
Unlike other financial planning software, the Wallet1000 content and financial plan is easy to understand. Your clients will appreciate the simple, yet powerful, approach.
The Wallet1000 financial wellness score provides a quantitative assessment of your clients current personal finances. It incorporates every piece of data on your client. The score is recalculated every time they enter a transaction, complete a task, or update anything in their account. This provides immediate, positive feedback each day of their financial journey.
In addition to the financial plan your clients can sign up for the Wallet1000 personal finance email courses. This provides them one short and actionable email every week about something they can do to improve their personal finances. This regular content keeps them focused on their finances and reminds them of the value your coaching provides.
Explore different retirement, savings, and debt payment plan scenarios with the built-in calculators.
The complete planning portal
Everything your clients need--all in one place.
Using a goal-based approach to budgeting ties every spending decision to your client's financial goals. They can easily see how spending $50 less each month on groceries can impact the down payment on a home, saving for a wedding, or that dream vacation in retirement.
Eliminating debt is going to be a focus for many of your clients. Creating an actionable--and achievable--debt payment plan is the first step. Sticking to the plan is steps 2, 3, 4 and 5. Wallet1000's automatic checkins helps keep your client focused and making progress towards their goals.
When retirement is decades in the future, people do not spend much time planning for it. Use Wallet1000's retirement planning to have a regular conversation about the accumulation and draw-down of their retirement assets.
This simple report details a client's net worth which is something that a surprisingly few amount of people take the time to calculate.
While clients are focusing on building wealth, they often overlook the role that proper insurance coverage has in helping them maintain wealth. Wallet1000 helps you conduct a full assessment of their coverage and identify where there are gaps that puts their savings at risk.
College is one of a handful of big savings goals for many families. It is never too early to start planning for it.
Estate planning is increasingly important as assets and family size grow. Help your clients put in place some basic considerations that will provide their loved ones comfort should the unimaginable happen.
Wallet1000 saves you time which allows you to spend more time finding new clients and better serving your existing ones. Scale your financial coaching business to new heights.
Have a complete history of each of your client relationships by recording every meeting, call, and email in our Participant Engagement Platform.
Learn how Wallet1000 can power your planning process and help you keep your clients engaged.